Hopefully, you see a dentist the recommended twice a year for routine exams and cleanings. In fact, doing so is the best way to protect your teeth and avoid serious dental problems down the road. Of course, staying on top of your dental cleanings is only one part of the equation. Maintaining excellent dental hygiene between appointments and knowing how to spot signs of dental issues is also important.
Specifically, there are a few dental issues that should always warrant an appointment with your dentist -- even if you just recently had a cleaning/exam.
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An achy tooth can be a sign of a significant dental problem, such as an abscessed tooth that requires emergency dental care. If you are experiencing severe dental pain, it is best to contact an emergency dentist to schedule an appointment as soon as possible. However, your dental appointment could still be hours away.
Here are several steps that can take to help alleviate your discomfort until you reach the dental office.
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You most likely know about the importance of visiting the dentist a couple of times per year. However, there are some procedures aside from general dental care that you need to learn about if you want the best appearance for your teeth. When it comes to caring for your teeth, it's important that you give teeth whitening a try. To make this happen, read below and consider these suggestions so that you get the beautiful smile that will light up a room.
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Do you know what to do if you experience a dental emergency? Many people make the decision to visit the nearest emergency room. There are numerous reasons why this is not the best idea. However, there are also valid reasons to go to the ER when certain situations such as mouth trauma occur. The following points will help you understand why it is best to go to an emergency dentist for most dental emergencies.
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A root canal is a relatively common dental procedure in which a portion of tooth is removed to clean out and treat an infection which has taken hold within the interior of the tooth itself. Allowing such an infection to continue without treatment can cause a great deal of dental pain, and can result in rotting, decay, and infection in other areas of your mouth, gums and teeth. Understanding the warning signs of an infection that requires a root canal can help you identify the problem early so that you can contact your dentist before the issue gets too serious.
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