3 Supplies You Should Keep On Hand For Dental Emergencies

Dealing with a dental emergency can be scary, especially if you are concerned about how the injury will impact the future health, placement, and appearance of your teeth. Fortunately, by keeping a few crucial supplies on hand, you can prevent causing more significant damage, raising your chances of making a full recovery. Here are three supplies you should keep on hand and how they can help during a dental emergency.  Read More 

Is Your Dry Mouth Ruining Your Oral Hygiene?

Many people experience dry mouth symptoms at one time or another in their lives. Unfortunately, many of those people don't realize that this condition can cause a problem for one's oral hygiene. If you've noticed that your mouth has been dry lately or it always has been, here's how it could be putting your oral health at risk. Why Dry Mouth? Dry mouth can happen to you on a regular basis, or only somewhat occasionally. Read More 

Why Antibiotics Are Often Needed Prior To Root Canals

A root canal procedure is something many people have to go through, and it has become a very standard procedure in dentistry. Dentists use root canal procedures when bacteria gets into the roots, or canals, of teeth, and most dentists will prescribe antibiotics to a person prior to completing the procedure. Here are a few things you should understand about antibiotics and root canals. A root canal should not be performed when there is an active infection Read More 

Braces And Your Pregnancy: Frequently Asked Questions

When you're pregnant, everything you put on or in your body is a consideration. If you already have braces when you enter your pregnancy or wonder if it's safe to get fitted during your pregnancy, chances are you have several questions about the safety of you and your child. Here are the answers to a few frequently asked questions about braces and pregnancy. Is It Safe to Wear My Braces During Pregnancy? Read More 

Is Your Teen Wondering What To Ask Your Family Dentist At Their Next Checkup? 3 Dental Concerns That Are Specific To Teens

Dentists love it when they can watch a child mature into a young adult who knows how to be proactive about their oral health care. Now that your child has reached their teen years, they are ready to begin being more involved in their dental appointments by discussing their concerns. Naturally, you can expect that their dentist will ask the basic questions about oral hygiene and whether or not your teen has any discomfort, but it also helps for your teen to have a few topics in mind to use as a springboard for figuring out how they can best care for their teeth during these important years. Read More