Temporomandibular joint disorder, or TMJ, is a painful and often misunderstood and misdiagnosed problem. Most patients who finally receive the correct diagnosis are relieved to know what it is, but at a loss for how to treat it. It cannot be cured without extensive surgery to the facial bones, muscles, and skull, and even that is not a guarantee. Instead, you might want to try one of the following three TMJ treatments, provided courtesy of your friendly neighborhood dentist.
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Taking the time to whiten your teeth will give you an attractive smile that is sure to boost your confidence. There are a few methods that you can use right in the comfort of your own home. Some of these options may even surprise you.
Activated Charcoal
Purchase a set of activated charcoal capsules online, or from your local department store. Wet your toothbrush before pouring the contents of the capsule over the bristles.
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If you have certain dental issues, you may be able to have veneers put on your teeth to treat the condition. Veneers are like porcelain coverings, and they have a natural look to them. The veneers will be made to fit your teeth, give them a natural appearance and work as your natural teeth would against your other teeth. If you think veneers sound like a good option, you can learn about some of the types of dental problems they can help with in this article.
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Now that you are a parent, you are probably already concerned about the dental needs of your baby. Even though a baby is usually born without any erupted teeth, the teeth that lie beneath those cute little gums can still be affected by the dental care that your child receives before his or her teeth present. If you are new to parenting, you may have questions about your baby's oral health.
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It is somewhat ironic that just as you decide you want to whiten and straighten your smile, you find that you might not be able to because of the medications you are taking. Medications to prevent bone loss and osteoporosis can negatively affect your decision to get adult braces. Known to your dentist as osteonecrosis of the jaw, or ONJ, this disease is caused by medications meant to prevent bone loss.
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