What Happens During A Tooth Implant Procedure?

Losing a tooth is distressing, especially when the tooth is in the front row. You can get a tooth implant that supports synthetic teeth that look just like your natural teeth. The good thing is implant replacements are hardly noticeable unless someone is looking closely. What happens during a tooth implant procedure?

Dental Evaluation

A dental implant procedure is an outpatient procedure done under anesthesia. The entire procedure can take several months from beginning to end, depending on your healing rate.

The first step is a dental evaluation to assess the condition of your jaw bone. You will need a jawbone graft if your jaw does not have adequate mass to support an implant. You will also be treated for any ongoing gum infections to avoid infection spreading to the implant site.

An implant that goes into the bone is called an endosteal implant. It is done when there is enough jaw bone mass to support the implant. An implant that is placed on the jawbone is called a subperiosteal implant. It does not need drilling and is done when there is insufficient jawbone mass to hold the implant.

Installing the Root Implant

You will undergo anesthesia, and the type of anesthesia depends on the extent of the procedure. The dentist will use local anesthesia for a single tooth, while you may need general anesthesia for more extensive procedures.

The dentist will cut your gum open and drill the jawbone to insert the root implant. There will be swelling and aching on the site for several days after this initial session. The site must heal completely before moving to the next step.

The dentist will want to see complete osseointegration (bone fusion) to the implant before the next stage. It can take several months, depending on your healing rate.

Installing the Connector Abutment

The abutment connects the root implant to the visible top tooth. The dentist needs to cut the gum again to remove the healing cap. He then places the abutment on the implant. You can also expect some discomfort after this procedure.

Installing the Top Tooth

The final stage involves installing the tooth on the abutment. You will need a metal frame to support a removable implant, while a permanent tooth implant is installed on the abutment using a special binder. Again, precise measurement ensures a perfect fit.

Would you like to smile confidently again? Then, book an appointment with a dentist to talk about a tooth implant for your missing tooth.
