Answering A Few Questions About Teeth Whitening

The color of your teeth will be a major contributing factor in the overall appearance of your smile. Unfortunately, there are many people that have developed noticeable stains on the surface of their teeth. Not surprisingly, this can be an extremely embarrassing problem to have. While there are an assortment of whitening options available, there are many people that may lack the experience and knowledge needed to make informed choices about these procedures. Learning the answers to the following three tooth whitening questions will help you to ensure that your smile looks its best.

Is It Safe For You To Whiten Your Teeth?

It can be common for individuals to be concerned about whether whitening will damage their teeth. However, you should be aware that this is not a problem that you will generally need to worry about. While the bleaching agents can make the teeth more sensitive if they are left on the for too long, this can be avoided by ensuring that the recommended directions are followed precisely.

Why Should You Opt For Having A Dentist Whiten Your Teeth?

There are a number of home whitening kits that can be used to help remove stains from your teeth. Due to the prevalence of these kits, there are many people that may assume that going to a dentist for this procedure is not necessary. Yet this is far from reality as the dentist will be able to use chemicals and options that are not available over-the-counter. As a result, individuals who are suffering from severe staining may benefit from the advanced whitening procedures that a dentist can use, such as laser whitening.

What Is Involved With Laser Whitening?

Laser whitening can be an extremely effective option for individuals who are suffering stains that go below the surface of the teeth. During these procedures, a special bleaching agent will be added to the surface of the teeth that is designed to interact with laser light. As the light strikes this solution, it will cause a reaction that can allow stains below the surface of the teeth to be removed. This process is repeated for each tooth until the desired results have been achieved. For some patients, it may be necessary to undergo more than one session to fully rid their teeth of unsightly stains, but this can be a small price to pay for ensuring that your smile's appearance is not compromised by ugly stains.

For family dental care, contact a company such as Rupp and Grabowski Family Dentistry.
